XC-260 Manual Mercury Sampling Console
Reliable & Cost-Effective Mercury Emissions Sampling – EPA Method 30B Compliant
The XC-260 Manual Mercury Sampling Console is a low-cost, portable, and field-proven solution for sampling mercury emissions compliant with CFR 40, Part 60, Method 30B.
At the heart of this system is the XC-260 Source Sampler, a precision meter console designed for accurate mercury emissions collection. Mercury concentration is determined using sample volumes measured by the dry gas meters combined with sorbent trap analysis results.
XC-6000EM MercSampler
The XC-6000EM MercSampler™ meter console captures all data necessary for paired sorbent trap sampling in accordance with PS 12B or Method 30B by simplifying sampling requirements through the automation of data acquisition, sample flow adjustments, leak checks, calculations, temperature control, and calibrations. Data is easily transferred to a Windows-based PC through Ethernet and can be monitored remotely through Modbus connectivity. The meter console controls the sample flow rate proportional to the stack flow rate and determines the standardized volume extracted through each sorbent trap. The XC-6000 firmware (embedded software) has been designed to utilize the technical features of the RISC-based microchip micro-controllers which provide decision-making as well as precise ‘autonomous’ control of the console while the laptop or PC is not connected.