Apex Instruments – The Worldwide Leader in Source Sampling Equipment
Controlled Condensate is a reliable alternative to EPA Method 8 for determining sulphuric acid emissions. This method effectively separates sulphuric acid vapour or mist and sulphur dioxide by controlling condensation based on their differing dew points. Each fraction is then measured separately using the barium-thorin titration method.
- Horizontal condenser for controlled condensate collection
- #11 port for cartridge heater integration
- Integrated heater and thermocouple assembly
- #28 socket on both ends for secure connections
- Water jacket with hose barbs for cooling efficiency
- Thermocouple-well and #15 solid cap for precise monitoring
- 24-inch flexible, type-K thermocouple assembly
- Available in multiple configurations, including option “-V” for 240V compatibility
✔ Environmental research and testing
✔ Emission monitoring for regulatory compliance
✔ Industrial stack gas analysis